Regal Products has played an active role with the National Shooting Sports Foundation through its gun safety educational initiative known as Project Childsafe. Regal Products began supplying Project Childsafe in the early 1990s with a concept the company had originally designed and patented – gun cable locks.
Regal Products has been and continues to be one of the organization’s primary suppliers of cable locks to this day, having supplied tens of millions of cable locks to Project Childsafe, which the organization distributes freely through thousands of law enforcement agencies and community organizations across the United States and its territories to promote firearm safety that focuses on keeping children safe.
The gun cable lock origin story. O.F. Mossberg & Sons wanted to provide a firearm safety device with every gun his company produced. They approached the Regal Products founder, Tom Farchione (a machine shop owner at the time who had created some other products for Mossberg in the past). They asked Farchione if he could make a firearm safety device inexpensively. From that conversation, an initial padlock design quickly evolved into the original gun cable lock, that was later chosen to help support the nascent Project Childsafe program a handful of years later. While also becoming the seed that launched Regal Products and its ever widening selection of gun safety devices more than 30 years ago.
“We’re really proud to be involved in Child Projectsafe, given the importance of the work they do to protect children and families,’ says Regal Products CEO Shawn Kitchell. “Regal Products has had and continues to have an incredible longstanding relationship with the organization. And we will continue our support for a long time to come.”